Bilröst (or sometimes Bilröst or Bivrost) is a burning rainbow bridge that reaches between Midgard (Earth) and Asgard, the realm of the gods.
The impure sees the impure everywhere. The sacred sees sacredness in everything. Open your eye, and see.
"'Reality' is just a word. It shouldn't be used without quotation marks around it anyways."
-Joseph Campbell
"The brain processes visual information by creating multi-dimensional neurological structures, called cliques, which disintegrate the instant they are understood."
"MIT has developed a system using lasers to transmit audio signals, from speech to music, directly to the ear, and no one else in the area can hear them. As a nice bonus, the laser won't burn your skin or eyes should you turn your head at the wrong moment. The laser system leverages what is known as the photoacoustic effect." In photoacoustic imaging, non-ionizing laser pulses are delivered into biological tissues. Lasers are monochromatic light.
Other forms of syntax, or language, besides words could be just as transmittable... "Scientists found that neurons in mammalian brains were capable of producing photons of light, or “Biophotons”! The photons, strangely enough, appear within the visible spectrum. They range from near-infrared through violet, or between 200 and 1,300 nanometers. Scientists have an exciting suspicion that our brain’s neurons might be able to communicate through light. They suspect that our brain might have optical communication channels, but they have no idea what could be communicated." It is possible that there is a solution in a different frequency spectrum? An understanding outside of the syntax of words? An entire universe of perception, and information, visible and audible via optical frequencies...
"Some say that as we grow up, we become different people at different ages, but I don't believe this. I think we remain the same throughout, merely passing in these years from one room, to another, but always in the same house. If we unlock the rooms of the far past, we can look in and see ourselves beginning to become you and me.”
- Peter Pan (TV Special, 1960)
This physical dimension isn't reality, it is a part of reality.
Humans spend so much time lost in their systems that they forget to ask a question; What purpose do you serve?
What are humans, collectively as a species, doing? Do they even know?
Vision is a sense of cognition.
The deeper I dig, the more I realize it's not about the money. The money is about the power. And the power is about control of reality. And control of reality is about illusion. And the illusion is about covering up the existence of the natural quantum capabilities of humans.
It's a harsh, beautiful world.
"The mathematical concept of a Hilbert space, named after David Hilbert, generalizes the notion of Euclidean space. It extends the methods of vector algebra and calculus from the two-dimensional Euclidean plane and three-dimensional space to spaces with any finite or infinite number of dimensions." "In the orthodox Copenhagen interpretation, quantum mechanics predicts only the probabilities for different outcomes of pre-specified observations. What constitutes an "observer" or an "observation" is not directly specified by the theory, and the behavior of a system upon observation is completely different than its usual behavior: the wavefunction that describes a system spreads out into an ever-larger superposition of different possible situations. However, during observation, the wavefunction describing the system collapses to one of several options. If there is no observation, this collapse does not occur, and none of the options ever becomes less likely. It can be predicted using quantum mechanics, absent a collapse postulate, that an observer observing a quantum superposition will turn into a superposition of different observers seeing different things. The observer will have a wavefunction which describes all the possible outcomes. Still, in actual experience, an observer never senses a superposition, but always senses that one of the outcomes has occurred with certainty. This apparent conflict between a wavefunction description and classical experience is called the problem of observation." "The rules of quantum mechanics are correct but there is only one system which may be treated with quantum mechanics, namely the entire material world. There exist external observers which cannot be treated within quantum mechanics, namely human (and perhaps animal) minds, which perform measurements on the brain causing wave function collapse."
They are masters of their own consciousness.
Reality is much more similar to a tree than one would initially deem. Time-loops become accessible through your decisions and awareness.
Real is just a matter of perception.
Electroreception or electroception is the biological ability to perceive natural electrical stimuli. It has been observed almost exclusively in aquatic or amphibious animals, since salt-water is a much better conductor than air; the currently known exceptions being the monotremes, cockroaches and bees. Electroreception is used in electrolocation and for electrocommunication. Sharks are really good at it.
"Insane people are always sure that they are fine. It is only the sane people who are willing to admit that they are crazy." - Nora Ephron
Friday 11:31pm “She will not notice that her clocks have slowed down, because she will herself be thinking more slowly.” John S. Bell ,Quantenmechanik: Sechs Mögliche Welten und weitere Artikel
"Back in the seventies, some people felt that the technological progress was so rapid that people, normal people, couldn't cope with it; that they wouldn't have time to get used to the present before the future was upon them. A man named Toffler coined the term FUTURE SHOCK to describe this situation."
Many avoid the fact that they are a victim of future shock by continually re-living the past that makes sense to them via thoughts and media. They usually are not even aware of it. You have to look ahead as well as behind you continuously: this is living in the present. I think in terms of time there is also PAST SHOCK. That would explain why three generations after the Irish potato famine, those people were still being born smaller until some genetic marker indicates its safe to grow at a different rate. There could also be a change in immunity. A genetic system intentionally killing off its now antiquated elements. Adaptability. Interlink. Mutation. The only way past their systems is via non-physical means. It's really a matter of who can mutate the fastest. Technology isn't transmutation, its technology. But it could be used to facilitate transmutation. Genetics and thought forms are interesting indeed...
Rituals are a distraction. What are you distracting? Something to consider.
It is important to be fit, intelligent, wise, have a good heart connected to the universe, and have the supplies that you need.
That one sentence can take half a lifetime, or longer, to achieve. You can do it or die trying. Do not allow the fact that we are alive submit you into settling for something unworthy of life-force. Deaths timetable and opportunity's window are truly unpredictable.
"Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance."
If you spend too much time trying to feed yourself, or take care of basic needs like housing and transportation, you won’t advance. Ever. It's an economic trap. This is why senses, creativity, intelligence, technology, and resources are vital to creating opportunity for yourself and your sector of the planet. Don't accept the bones you are thrown if they are just enough. Don't accept carrying the weight of civilization on your shoulders, no matter how fat it makes your bank account. That's not living. You have to fight and engage in civilization in a meaningful way, and evolve it into something new. Don't sit around waiting for someone else to create the next phase of evolution. Globalization is here to stay. The whole universe is in your DNA, so we still have a long ways to go. Don't get comfortable just because we have Netflix, decent guns, fast food, and even faster banking systems.
(The cars are shit. Absolute shit. Why are we still using wheels?) Look up the Kardashev scale. "We have reached a turning point in society. According to renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, the next 100 years of science will determine whether we perish or thrive. Will we remain a Type 0 civilization, or will we advance... and make our way into the stars?" Let's get metaphysical.
One of the most fallacious mistake humans make is that they assume they are at the top of food chain, which in turn causes them to prey on their own species.
"They were on a new level. With minimal guidance, minimal direction. But they knew they were different. Diamonds in the rough. Hopefully they would make it out alive."
-Brayden Terry
"Maybe an atom is a function of the space itself."
I know it doesn't look blue, but Jupiter FEELS blue.
Many birds have a compass in their eyes. Their retinas are loaded with a protein called cryptochrome, which is sensitive to the Earth's magnetic fields. It's possible that the birds can literally see these fields, overlaid on top of their normal vision. I don't think it's possible, I think it's a fact.
I will go to the ends of the earth for the sounds in my head.
Я пойду на край земли за звуки в моей голове. Eu irei até os confins da terra para os sons na minha cabeça. 我会到地球的尽头寻找我脑海中的声音。
“ I’ve worked hard for a long time, and it’s not about, you know…it’s not about winning. But what it’s about is not giving up. If you have a dream, fight for it. “
-Lady Gaga
In 2002, the pentagon was running several military and geodesic programs using satellites with ground penetrating radar. The satellite located a particular structure inside the Bucegi mountains in Romania. The satellite scan revealed two major energetic blocks made of artificial energy. Force fields. The Romanian government wanted to tell the world, but the American government did not want the Romanian government to reveal anything about the discovery. The Prague summit took place that year. Two years after the discovery, Romania joined the NATO alliance. Shortly after, several American bases were established and set up in the country. One of them very close to the Bucegi mountains in Brasov. There have been similar discoveries in other parts of the world, including in the United States.
What's inside? I'll let you do the research.
If you talk for long enough, everything connects to everything else.
Why not have the first order of human communication be a basic understanding that we are ALREADY connected. This is not something that needs to justified, proven to each other, or to ourselves, over and over again. Yes, Kentucky bluegrass is green. Evolutionarily speaking, it makes sense to communicate via cognitive imagery and bio-electromagnetic response. It would be valid to have these forms of communication developed into a basic curriculum like Math or English. Especially since we already use them to communicate with each other on a daily basis.
"Hypnagogic hallucinations are imagined sensations that seem very real. They occur as a person is falling asleep, and are also referred to as sleep hallucinations. The term hypnopompic describes the period when a person wakes up."
Lemme tell you something: Hallucinations isn't a good word to describe what they are. I like extra-sensory awareness better. We all experience it, so is it really a reasonable description to say we are hallucinating en mass? If we are hallucinating en mass, we have a bigger problem on our hand as a species. If it is an extrasensory awareness, then we have an untapped sensory capability hiding beyond the wall of sleep...
Gravity and Electricity are HUGE. The human body creates its own electomagnetic field. How could this relate to anti-gravity technology? Are gravity and electromagnetics the same thing?
Cosciousness can create a Torsion field.
“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena.”
― Nikola Tesla
en·gram /ˈenɡram/Submit noun a hypothetical permanent change in the brain accounting for the existence of memory; a memory trace. These are passed through RNA
Its about consciousness. Thats why I'm here, doing what I'm doing. Leaving clues. Making music. Changing frequencies of consciousness. Letting you know you are not alone. I am with you.
"This light is shining on you, do you know that it's pushing you?" he asked me, pointing to a nearby lamp. "Most people don't. But it is, because it's got energy. The only thing is, it's so small, you don't feel it."
- Arthur Ashkin, Nobel prize winner 2018
"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe."
"And I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you
I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you Time is the essence Time is the season Time ain't no reason Got no time to slow" -Blue Oyster Cult, 'Burning For You'
At every moment in this world, things change.
Stay focused. Stay persistent. Stay disciplined.
"In the presence of the truth, the bullshit disappears."
I think the eyes, photons, pineal gland, and holographic nature of the universe are interconnected.
A side effect of your own knowledge and experiences is that you understand more. Your experience is an accumulation of consciousness data. Once a certain mass of consciousness data is reached, it causes you, as energy, to transform. This results in a shift of perception. A side effect of this is that you understand even more. Because you have more pieces to the reality puzzle, then that picture puzzle becomes clearer, and clearer still! If you seek it, your consciousness will begin to see, interact, and comprehend other avenues of syntax. This will result in the ability to communicate with other multi-dimensional beings. Master reality and the way its fabric is formed. That’s my logic.
The alien presence is real, and very complicated.
I theorize that a black hole’s density expands into another universe, re-densifies into another different black hole, then expands once again into another universe, only to re-densify into one, or many other black holes once again. Those black holes then manifest into even more universes. Eventually the universes wrap back into themselves at some point (creating some kind of shape), as well as continue to expand into new universes. The constant transference of energy results in a vibration, or frequency similar to... quarks? What does that sound like, I wonder?
I also sense there is a void which is not knowable, because it is beyond time and space. "I wanna walk on your wave length And be there when you vibrate For you I'll risk it all." -Katy Perry Same goddess, same.
Anticipating the images. Ahead of the memories.
"Three Buddhist monks focused their intention on commercially bottled water with the goal of improving the growth of seeds; bottled water from the same source served as an untreated control. A significant effect was observed. There is a wealth of statistically significant data in this field, this is just one of many examples within quantum physics and parapsychology that show how factors associated with conscious are related with our physical material world."
I usually see it just before it happens.
All the important decisions in life often come down to just one moment.
" You teach in a linear fashion, but I think in spirals."
Another important element, which is common to cyberpunk, is the idea of the power structure withholding information from the general population.
"She shimmered, and Laney could detect just immediately below the threshold of consciousness a flow of data...."
-William Gibson “Everybody knows that Aristotelian two-value logic is fucked.” ― Philip K. Dick, VALIS
Light the fire from the void.
I've got the Chiba City Blues, had em for awhile now...
So many lives, so many bodies. All of them. Mine?
"Look over the edge without flinching." De-fanged, and enslaved. I feel The forgotten rage. "Observe. Absorb. Find what others have missed." See what others already found. 30 resonances to eternity. Jupiter. The one. Out there in the empty, I could taste my own need for something more. Like a forgotten name on the tip of my tongue. Chromatic Goddess of the in-between. There is an undefinable comfort in knowing the void is real. Caught between the energy in my heart, and another night sky of Strato-clouds I’ve become bound to a different dimension. Chasing her soul, I forget everything but mine. I am one, Illuminated. ![]()
Effect of high entropy resonances on steel wheels. Music. Its almost like an obsession. I can tell you why too, but I won’t. Stick around long enough though and I bet you’ll be able to see. Visionary style with a hard grounding in reality. Thats what its like really, the image attached to this post. Its lucid, its clear. Theres a lot out there in the dark. Sometimes the only thing that brings me comfort is the radio, and the mind-scape I get when I have high entropy sex with a meaningful girlfriend. Where am I even going? I think the better question to stop and ask myself is, when. When am I going to die? The fact is: I don’t know. It could be in ten minutes. It could be in 69 years. That is my reminder that life needs to be lived impeccably. There is no second chances. The other day I was talking with a friend and I said, “….Harder, better, faster, stronger. Smarter. Anything less is unacceptable.” She interrupted me and said, ” You say that a lot. I mean I get it, but you really mean it don’t you?” Yes. I mean it. My sense of conscience requires that I tell myself this often. Call it motivation. I used to always wonder what our collective conscious was and where it was taking us. Where it was taking me. What is its purpose? Now that I am a bit wiser, and have a clearer sense of pattern recognition, I understand that the resonances we create shape reality. For me, this is music (amongst other things.) This is the same reality that my children and grandchildren will live in. As I see many things through my mind, I realize that how we connect with each other, and our environment, matters. Internal and external. I am also very aware that all of our senses are not being acknowledged. Its like having a third eye but never using it because we weren’t taught how to. Its a fine piece of equipment and can save us from predators that lurk within its blinded vision. A keystone of sorts to our future, or lack of it, as a species. How do I express this and get you to feel something that I have had such a hard time describing? Frequencies. Music Hertz. Bass pulses. Poetry and words. Rhythm. I can’t force anyone to move in an evolutionary direction. But I can ask you to feel. Thats why it's so important for my music to be here when your ready to listen. If I can help our evolution by being present and emitting the best frequency I know how, I can rest easy. If I can leave a legacy for my species to help build their own future, then I must. My name is Frank Hyperion, and I make the music of spheres. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper.
The void. It exists. It can replenish. I can see/feel it, but how do I get there AND make it back into the same space-time continuum?
" What happens in one world, echoes in another. " - Roland Deschain
I think everything we do comes with a focus. "I want pizza." Walk to the fridge, open the door, and pull out a slice of cold, hardened, previously delivered triangle, insert it into your nearest Whirlpool microwave, aaand done! Reality has just been shaped.
"I want to step into reality realm X." Visualize a door, open it, and enter into reality X. Its kinda like Disneyland though. You've gotta know its there before you can even start planning the fuckin trip, ya know? Or build the Disneyland yourself, thats always a viable option. Mickey Mouse Club 33 is living proof of that. Or this. However you wanna think about it. I have this gnawing suspicion that we can make reality whatever we want it to be. Mold it. Shape it. Form it into whatever. And I really mean whatever... INTENTION is everything. Even when I am quenched, I am thirsty for more... ![]()
Almost a Ghost
From petals to the metal, I chased the taillights of hope Past death’s oculus beams in the mirror. So hard to see more than a simmering red reflector of my self. Six feet into my sorrows I realized, I have a thousand mile stare ahead of me… I glance at the electric blue LED Stereo light, reflecting off the keys. Almost a ghost, I whisper, “I know you’re just a radio, but I need you.” -Frank Hyperion ![]()
何かこう誰もが使う機能をとりあえず使ってみました感がぱない。 Effect of high octane orgasm on steel beams:
But your way isn't just that set of rules,” Cord said. “It's who you are — you follow that way for bigger reasons. And as long as you stay true to that, the confusion you’re talking about will sort itself out eventually."
— Neal Stephenson (Anathem) "Jack the sound barrier. Bring the noise." — Neal Stephenson (Snow Crash)
I don't have anything else. Nothing drives me like music.
33hz and I'm yours.
I actually write quite a bit...Maybe I should pop one of my stories up onto here yea?
I got this weird affirmation in my mind. Outta nowhere I said outloud to myself:
"I'm gonna ride the AI." ??? I can see a glimpse of what that means but I'm not quite there yet.
Absorb to the lyrics.
I FELT actualization in my music tonight. It was the BEST feeling. Like perfectly surfing on anti-matter or somethin'
Contemplate the galaxy,
between you and me. ![]()
Tales from the voidby Frank Hyperion |